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Apr 25, 2024
Hỏi đáp Chuyên Gia
How to resolve "operation timed out" error when creating a vote account?
I encountered an error while attempting to create a vote account using the koii create-vote-account
command. The error message "Error: error sending request for url (https:// k2-testnet .koii.live/): operation timed out" suggests a timeout issue. Can anyone provide guidance on troubleshooting and resolving this error? Your assistance is greatly appreciated.
- Koii Network
- Nodes
- dApp
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Câu trả lời
Apr 29 2024, 04:56The correct endpoint to be used is testnet.koii.live
, without the prefix "k2-".
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Koii is a new way to design communications infrastructure that distributes computing authority across a wider group of personal devices.
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