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Jan 26, 2023
Thảo Luận
What language is the Koii node written in?
What language is the Koii node written in?
- Koii Network
- Nodes
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3Jan 30 2023, 19:02
The Koii node is written natively in typescript, but may undergo a rebuild in the next year or two if performance improvements become more important. Typescript currently meets our needs and gives the Koii team an extra edge due to the number of compatible libraries and existing standards.
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Jan 26 2024, 07:02As for the official answer by MetaBrynn, that is true, but if were talking about language/languages, it is written on English language. I think in the future versions of the node, there will be language switcher.
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Koii is a new way to design communications infrastructure that distributes computing authority across a wider group of personal devices.
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